Our Activities

Encontros Espíritas em Português

Oferecemos encontros espíritas online em português nos seguintes horários:

- Às terças-feiras, das 19 às 20 horas (CDT): discutiremos o llivro O Evangelho Segundo o Espiritismo. 

O livro pela Editora FEB pode ser baixado gratuitamente aqui em nosso website.

- Aos domingos, palestras mensais são oferecidas online. 

As datas e temas serão definidas e publicadas através de nossas redes sociais. Sigam-nos para mais informações.

Todas as reuniões online serão realizadas através do Google Meet. 

Todos são muito bem-vindos!

Secular Study

Secular Study Meetings (English)

Tuesday evenings 6:30-7:30 pm, weekly at the Cornish Library, 20 West Gate, in person only. These will usually be held in Room B; as we are just renting the room during these times, the physical location of these meetings is subject to change.

During these meetings, we will discuss scientific and philosophical aspects of The Spirits' Book. Free digital copies of this book can be downloaded from FEB Publishing here.

Everyone is welcome! We never have fees or suggested donations. No prior knowledge of spiritism is required.

Doors will open at least 15 minutes before each meeting. If you are late to a public meeting, you may knock lightly and enter quietly, then take a seat at the table to join the study.

We accept donations for Main Street Project on the last Tuesday of each month, before and during our public meeting from 6 until 7:30pm. Anyone is welcome to bring donations at this time.

"Unshakable faith is only that which can face reason in all human epochs." 

~ Allan Kardec

Spiritism Classes

Spiritism Classes in English

Thursday evenings 6:30-7:30 pm, weekly at the Cornish Library, 20 West Gate, in Room B. These classes are currently held in person and online using Google Meet. Location is subject to change.

This course uses translations of workbooks created by FEB in a program of continuous study.

The course is meant to promote group harmony as well as education, to prepare for more advanced group activities such as channelled energy healing (passes) and spirit communication (mediumship meetings, disobsession). No certificates are given for spiritist courses: suitability for specific activities is assessed on an individual basis.

Spiritism has no dogmas; spiritists can be of any religious faith, or of none. This means studying with spiritists requires tolerance of the beliefs of others. It requires patience and a willingness to see beyond words to the meaning underneath. Spiritism encourages people to believe and pray what they feel in their heart, and teaches that it is not anyone's place to tell others what or how to believe.

All are welcome to take this course, starting with the introductory classes when offered. No prior knowledge of spiritist teachings is required, and there are no course fees. Having your own books is not necessary. All who want to study the teachings of the spirits are welcome, regardless of personal beliefs, whether for practical or merely educational reasons.

Please contact us if you are interested in attending.

Past Activities

Past Activities: visits to Action Marguerite and Chez Nous


This was held every third Saturday, 2pm - 3:30pm.

185 Rue Despins, Winnipeg, MB R2H 2B3

We visited residents of Actionmarguerite and offered recreational activities like music, colouring, reading, or games under the supervision of the local recreational therapist.

Chez Nous 

This was held two Sundays on, one Sunday off, 9am - 11am.

187 Avenue de la Cathédrale, Winnipeg MB R2H 3C6

Chez Nous is a supportive housing facility run by Actionmarguerite. We visited residents, read from books, and offered amicable conversations.

Actionmarguerite has many other locations and facilities as well. Here is a list of all their care facilities.

Past Activities: Food Drives

Collection Drive for Main Street Project

This was held once a month, 9 am - 10:30 am on the third Saturday of each month. Collections for MSP and the services for lost spirits were integrated into our other activities in May, 2024.

At our Spiritist Centre 1808 Main St, and online via Teams.

We collected donations from around the city and brought them to our spiritist centre, then dropped them off at Main Street Project during the week. We met online before collection, and afterwards, simultaneously at the centre and online. 

During the drive, we asked the good spirits to protect each home and help cleanse it spiritually with good energy; we also invited any nearby lost spirits ready to move on to follow us to our spiritist centre. 

Such donations act as a draw for lost spirits: food is something most lost spirits crave, but cannot touch, and they can follow donations under guidance from the volunteers and good spirits. Also, acts of charity draw the attention of good spirits, who sympathize more strongly with those trying to do good. 

After the drive, we held a service with the good spirits to assist all the lost spirits in finding their spiritual friends and loved ones in whichever spiritual realm suited them best. The good spirits prepared the centre beforehand with protection and good energy to receive them, and opened portals in the spirit world which the lost spirits could use to reach their loved ones in these higher realms. 

Food drives such as this are a collaboration between the living and the spirits helping out, as the recently deceased often sympathize much more with the living rather than with other spirits - which is why many of these spirits are lost in the first place.